You have invested a lot of time and effort in content research and after writing-proofreading-rewriting several times, you hit the publish or send button. You wait with bated breath wishing it goes viral. But no. You are in for a great surprise. You hardly get the anticipated vies/likes/comments/subscribers. It happens with most of the content writers.
So, what do you do to ace at content marketing?
Few suggestions from my own experience:
- Pick your battles well. Research and focus on the topics that are niche. Go via the road less travelled. Experiment. Take risks.
- Know the weaknesses of your competitors and try to strengthen yourself on that. For example, consistency is biggest weakness of many. Be consistent with your content and get more visible.
- Pick some controversial topics and be fearless in expressing your genuine thoughts about it. Dare to be different. Dare to be yourself. People appreciate honesty and hate hypocrisy.
- Try and test different content strategies. Have your timetable filled with different categories of content you want to talk about. Review and build on the strategies that work.
- Create flexible content. Pick your topic and build it up for various platforms like – social media, podcast, you tube, blog, newsletter etc.
Content marketing isn’t just about telling stories. It is about telling your stories good. Telling you stories in a smart and engaging way. It is about telling what people do not know.
Work hard on your content, harder on marketing.